Tag Archives: aragón

in Curiosities

A walk through Zaragoza

Do you know Zaragoza? If not, join us on this tour of some of the best bars, restaurants, shops and other establishments in the city, which will serve as a guide for that visit that you will surely want to make after reading this article. And if you already know it, or even if you […]

in Brewpub, Curiosities

What is a brewpub?

One of the main assets of Cierzo Brewing Co. is our brewpub in the center of Zaragoza, the first in the city and also in Aragon. A business model that is still little known in Spain, but that has been dazzling brewers half the world for decades, or even centuries, as we will see in […]

in Brewpub

Craft, natural and zero-kilometre beer

More and more people are betting on a more sustainable food model, in which respect for the environment, product quality and working conditions prevail over economic productivity or immediacy. Fortunately, kilometer zero or slow food are increasingly common terms in our gastronomic offer, and beer is not exempt from this trend. Our brewpub in Zaragoza […]

in Sin categoría

Ruta craft beer por Valencia

Este fin de semana nos vamos de ruta cervecera por Valencia. Comenzaremos el jueves, 2 de junio, visitando las 2 cervecerías que Olhöps tiene en esta bella ciudad, en la calle Sueca (Craft Beer House) y en la calle Carlos Cervera (Craft Beer Lab), que tendrán varias de nuestras cervezas en sus tiradores. En cuanto […]

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