
Cierzo Brewing Co. is Zaragoza’s craft beer. Real beer, without substitutes, noble and with soul. Our way of understanding this millenary drink, which is only perfect when it’s brewed with passion, respecting each recipe, its times and its ingredients.


All our beers are brewed with natural ingredients of the highest quality, without substitutes or artificial aroma or flavor enhancers. In addition, we neither filter nor pasteurize our beers, since at Cierzo Brewing we prioritize that our product maintain all its organoleptic characteristics, forgoing extending its useful life through said processes. This is how we understand craft beer. For this reason, we recommend to all our customers, distributors and consumers that they keep the beers cold for as long as possible until they are ready to be consumed, or at least in a cool place, as this will contribute in a very positive way when it comes to maintaining their qualities.

The Cierzo Brewing beers that you can buy in our online store, as well as those that can be found in tap rooms, bars, restaurants, coffee shops and specialized beer stores throughout Europe, are mostly brewed in our main brewery, in Caspe (Zaragoza, Spain), except when it involves collaborations with other breweries and are brewed in the breweries of said collaborators. In all cases, we always use top quality malts, grains, hops, yeasts and other materials, which we acquire through our national and international suppliers.

The last

The classics

Past batches


cierzo brewing fábrica cerveza artesana zaragoza caspe

Our main brewery, in the town of Caspe, supplies all our clients in Spain and the rest of Europe.

¿What's Cierzo Brewing?

We are a craft beer brand from Spain with a brewery in Caspe (Zaragoza, Spain). We sell our beers in bars and specialty shops throughout Europe.

Where can I find Cierzo beers?

In pubs and tap rooms throughout Europe, as well as in specialized stores, both physical and online. f you have a bar or a shop and you would like to sell our beers, all you have to do is contact us. We will redirect you to our nearest distributor, or we will send you our offer directly if we do not have a distributor available in your area.

What's craft beer?

It’s beer made in a traditional way, using ingredients and processes that have quality as their main objective, above other aspects such as cost savings, product stability or the exact repetition of each recipe. This is what, broadly speaking, differentiates craft beer from industrial beer.

Two products that may seem similar at first glance, but are different in their aroma, flavor, variety of styles, raw materials, production costs, sale price or ideal storage conditions, to name just a few of these differences. Two products that should not be in conflict, but should be differentiated, so as not to confuse the final consumer.

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