The solidarity beer for basketball lovers
When Alberto Béjar, founder of the association El basket es vida (Basket is life), proposed this collaboration to us, we didn’t think about it for a second. We already knew some of the solidarity actions that this association had carried out and for us it was a pride to be able to participate in a new project devised by this local basketball referent.
How could it be otherwise, the initiative is receiving the support of many people, something for which we are infinitely grateful. Among these supports, we want to highlight that of one of the greats of sports journalism in this country, Antoni Daimiel, who shared a photo of the beer on his Instagram profile.
The beer itself is an American IPA with a light body and full of flavor, with a long drink and ideal for all types of hop lovers, which in this specific case has the Mosaic, Amarillo and Sterling varieties. It can be found, in barrel or 44cl can, in breweries and specialized stores throughout Europe, such as our brewpub in Zaragoza and our online store.